Tuesday 4 March 2014

Finance For Non Finance Managers – Part 2


This workshop is the continuation from Part 1.

In Part 2 of the workshop participants will learn how to calculate simple ratios, understand what each ratio means and do a comparison of IBM’s performance against IBM’s competitors.


Upon completion of the training, participants will have the knowledge to:
  • Understand and know how to calculate the basic ratios (Liquidity, Profitability, Leverage and Efficiency Ratio)
  • Measure the financial condition of a company (limited to the 3 financial statements)

  • Heads of Department
  • Senior Managers
  • Managers


Calculation Key Financial Ratios
  • Liquidity ratios
  • Profitability ratios
  • Leverage ratios
  • Efficiency, activity or turnover ratios

Group Activity 1:

Participants will be given financial statements. Participants will calculate the ratios of the companies. Subsequently, participants will compare the ratios and performance of each company

Group Activity 2:

Based on Group Activity 1’s results, participants will now analyse the reasons for each company’s performance. Thereafter, will interpret their findings and form their conclusions on each company’s performance.  


Participation is the key ingredient for this success of this workshop. The workshop is structured in an easy to understand manner, making adult learning fun, using the tools and techniques. All participants will be encouraged to share and participate actively in this workshop.

Finance For Non Finance Managers – Part 1


Every manager and professional needs a comfortable grasp of the concepts and language of financial management if they are to play their full part in making decisions and monitoring performance.

Believe it or not, learning finance can be fun!

Part 1 of this workshop clarifies financial jargon, helps participants identify and interpret the relevant information and assist them in preparing and managing budgets.

This workshop is designed for easy understanding and is suitable for any manager with little or no prior knowledge to finance.


Upon completion of the training, participants will have the knowledge
  • Understand what the Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement mean
  • Interpret the IBM’s Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement

  • Heads of Department
  • Senior Managers
  • Managers


Introduction to Financial Management
  • The challenges in today’s business environment.
  • The role of the finance department.
  • The relationship of finance and accounting to the other departments.

Cash Is King
  • Understanding the Business Cycle

The 3 Basic Financial Statements
  • The Income Statement - Are we making a profit?
  • The Balance Sheet - Assets and liabilities
  • The Cash Flow Statement - Cash In and Cash Out
  • Understanding Basic Finance

Introduction To:
  • Trading Account
  • P & L Account
  • Appropriation Account
  • Components of a Trading and Profit & Loss Account
  • Balance sheet
  • Total Assets = Equity + Total Liabilities
  • Balance Sheet compared to P & L Account
  • Cash Flow Statement
  • Cash vs. Profit

Group Activity 1: 
  • Understanding Financial Statements

Group Activity 2:
  • Case Study on Power Pillows. Drawing Up Your Own Financial Statement


Participation is the key ingredient for this success of this workshop. The workshop is structured in an easy to understand manner, making adult learning fun, using the tools and techniques. All participants will be encouraged to share and participate actively in this workshop.


Stressed out staff have lower productivity. This significantly affects the success of the staff. Stressed staffs are more inclined to leave which incurs the costs of recruitment and training. In the fast changing modern situation, the risks of stress are high. Conversely highly motivated and less stressed out staff are usually the most productive and successful

This Stress & LIFE Management training course gives participants practical tools to improve levels of stress and avoid the pitfalls. This stimulating course allows participants to consider and improve their living and behavior patterns and reframe their mindsets and behavior to be wired for success. This program also help participants manage their multiple priorities and time so they can control the work and life demands of every day, accomplish more in less time, work more effectively with others and with their team and respond to multiple demands and projects Smart time management is not about cramming more activity into each hour; but about achieving greater results in that hour. This program provides powerful, practical insights and ideas that really work, including specific, practical, effective time management techniques.

At the end of this program, participants will be able to:

- Balance multiple priorities with ease and confidence
- Learn to recognize and make maximum use of your peak energy periods
- Become more positive and gain a sense of accomplishment from your work
- Attain work/life balance and handle pressure and stress more effectively 
- Identify goals and objectives, and prioritize your activities 
- Maximize your time and productivity working with other people 
- Handle unexpected demands with competence and confidence 
- Understand and manage your communication options effectively 
- Be more positive and productive at work 

What is Success? 

- Introduction to success
- How to turn negative self-talk into positive affirmations 
- How you can reduce day-to-day hassles by establishing 
  positive relationships with people at work and at home
- The Power of your Subconscious Mind
- Understanding your mind

Basic concepts around time: defining your time challenges

- Challenges presented by your own attitudes/feelings about time 
- Identifying the real time wasters 
- Assessing your current time management system and 
  your own personal challenges 
- The Pareto Principle
- How Much Is Your Time Worth?
- The Urgent/Important Matrix (Covey Principles)

Making Business Decisions about How to Invest Your Time 

- Distinguish between being effective and being efficient.
- Your internal clock
- Activity logs/Schedules/Diaries
- Planning Activities 
- Classify all your activities according to a formula for potential

Work/life balance and handling pressure and stress 

- Goal Setting: Professional and personal. 
- Wishful Thinking 
- Tap your subconscious for ideas 
- Defining your specific challenges to career and life balance 
- Discovering the relationship between stress and performance 
- Techniques for coping with and controlling stress
- Relaxation skills you can master to control stress and relieve tension 
- Diet and Health


This is a highly interactive Two Day programme involving individual and group exercises, 
experiential activities and games, discussions and analysis of work-based situations, 
assessment tools to give you valuable skills and techniques to master your time and stress. 
You will be stimulated to think about what you will do differently or how you can 
transfer the elements you have learned into your practice. 

Monday 3 March 2014

Contact Us

Please Contact Our Training Consultant
Siti Aishah 012-8919855

Sila Hubungi Perunding Latihan Kami
Siti Aishah 012-8919855

Special Invitation
We invite subject matter experts to join our panel of great trainers.
Please contact us if you have the requisite knowledge, experience and skills.

Jemputan Khas
Kami menjemput pakar-pakar dalam pelbagai bidang
untuk menjadi ahli panel penceramah kami.
Sila hubungi kami jika anda mempunyai ilmu, pengalaman dan kemahiran yang berkaitan.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

“Workplace Feel-Good Factors”


In any organization happy employees are better equipped to handle workplace relationships, stress, and change. Organizations that understand this, and help employees improve their wellbeing, can boost their productivity. Thus, knowledge of these feel-good factors are crucial to the organizations, and so are their applications at the workplace!


By the end of this workshop, the participants will learn those factors – personal, organization-based and external – that affect their performance. Identifying these factors, and understanding them, can help improve recruitment, retention and organizational results.

Learning Approach

Practical-based sessions with lectures, group activities, and opportunities for participants to develop their knowledge and skills through exercises.


The VBAI Relationship:

- Understanding Own-Self for Corporate Success

Personal Productivity:

- Your Personal Goals – the Three P’s
- The SMART Way

Being Civil at the Workplace:

- Civility at the Workplace
- those Uncivil Workplace Behaviours
- Dealing With Difficult Personalities

Work-Life Balance:

- Benefits of a Healthy Balance
- Workplace Wellbeing
- Staying Fit – Work and Life

Workplace Diversity:

- Breaking Down the Barriers
- Conditioning Your Personal Approach
- Encouraging Workplace and Social Changes

Critical Success Factors:

- Business-Life Factors


“Workplace Challenges – BBoomers, Gen X, Gen Y”


An “age-neutral” workplace supports real communication and understanding across all ages, and builds on the unique values and strengths of each generation. Businesses that pay attention to inter-generational issues will see an impact on their bottom line in a number of areas: Corporate Culture, Recruitment, Employee Engagement, Retention, Customer Service.

Because some organisations struggle to engage and retain talented workers under the age of 30, and still more find it challenging to get these Gen Y group to achieve their best, this workshop reveals what type of business image and work environment will entice these fast-moving, and thinking, young workers, which current management practices will keep them motivated, and which incentives will keep them from defecting.

This session also explores why younger and older people don’t see eye to eye and what to do about it in the workplace. From pointers on motivating, managing and retaining younger employees to ways of preventing older managers from losing their minds, this session shows it’s possible for Baby Boomers and Gen X and Y employees to work well together!

Workshop Overview

Participants compare and contrast significant facts, characteristics and values about the four generations – the Veterans (Traditionalists), Baby Boomers, Generation X and Generation Y – and the four different working styles of people that are present regardless of when they were born.

Participants’ involvement will provide a stimulant to communications among the work groups to devise strategies they could transfer at their respective workplace.


By the end of the programme, the participant will:

- identify characteristics, behaviours, assets & liabilities of each generation

- develop strategies for managing and motivating multigenerational staff and

- create practical strategies for optimizing staff retention and productivity,
   with special emphasis on Gen Y

Course Outline

An Orientation into the 4 Generations:

- the Veterans (Traditionalists), Baby Boomers, Generation X and Generation Y

- how the Different Generations View Work and Life

- How Generational Differences Affect: Recruitment, Team Dynamics, Communication Style,

- Characteristics, Behaviours, Core Values, Needs and
   Motivating Factors of Each Generation

- Understanding and Embracing the Multi-Generational Workforce

- Inter-Generational Management:

- Workplace environments that foster inter-generational cooperation

- Strategies: Engaging and Retaining Gen Y in the Organisation

Pemanduan Berhemah


Program ini adalah bertujuan untuk membina lebih keyakinan, pengetahuan dan kemahiran individu di bidang pemanduan.


Memastikan pemandu memiliki etika dan tingkahlaku yang berhemah serta teknik pengendalian kenderaan dengan betul dan mematuhi peraturan lalulintas dengan berpandukan tanda-tanda isyarat lalulintas.

Hasil Pembelajaran

Peserta akan lebih berkeyakinan, berketerampilan dan berpengetahuan dalam menjalankan tugas sebagai pemandu yang sentiasa mematuhi peraturan lalulintas, pengendalian sesebuah kenderaan dengan lebih berhemah serta dapat menyelenggara kenderaan mengikut jadual mengikut kehendak pengeluar dan organisasi.

Kandungan Program


Objektif Prestasi

Membuat persediaan memandu dengan menggunakan kemahiran dan pengetahuan serta pengalaman untuk memastikan keselamatan semasa berada di jalan raya.

Langkah - langkah :

Membuat Persediaan Pengetahuan

- Prinsip pemegang lesen memandu (CDL)
- Peranan dan tanggungjawab rakyat Malaysia
- Pengurusan diri dan imej penampilan
- Kerjasama berpasukan
- Tentang Akta Pengangkutan Jalan 1987 ( JPJ)
- Kaedah Pengangkutan Jalan
- Kurikulum Pendidikan Pemandu (KPP)
- Faedah membuat pemeriksaan kenderaan
- Fungsi tanda-tanda isyarat lalulintas
- Komponen-komponen asas kenderaan
- Penggunaan peralatan kenderaan dengan betul
- Mengesan kerosakan awal kenderaan


- Mampu mengurusan keletihan
- Berkomunikasi dengan berkesan
- Memahami informasi keselamatan jalan raya
- Bertindak dengan kefahaman
- Mematuhi tanda-tanda isyarat lalulintas
- Melakukan pemeriksaan kenderaan dengan berkesan
- Mengawal kenderaan secara berhemah sepanjang masa
- Menjangka sesuatu bahaya semasa dalam perjalanan
- Memeriksa dokumen-dokumen penting sebelum memulakan perjalanan
- Memastikan kebersihan kenderaan


- Sentiasa mengamalkan kawalan kendiri
- Sentiasa mematuhi peraturan syarikat/organisasi
- Sentiasa mematuhi peraturan lalulintas
- Sentiasa mengawal kenderaan secara berhemah


Modul ini yang dilaksanakan untuk membina kemahiran, pengetahuan dan keupayaan dari segi mental serta fizikal bagi menjadikan seseorang sebagai pemandu yang mempunyai jati diri dan berintegriti. Secara khususnya, latihan-latihan yang dilalui dapat mempertingkatkan tahap keyakinan yang tinggi dengan tujuan keselamatan semasa mengendali sesebuah kenderaan. Individu harus memiliki daya tahan, disiplin yang tinggi serta keyakinan diri bagi memikul tanggungjawab yang diamanahkan. Keselamatan dan keselesaan serta jangka hayat sesebuah kenderaan bergantung pada perlaksanaan bersama diantara pemandu dan pihak organisasi.


Modul ini diaplikasikan untuk memperluaskan pengetahuan tentang perundangan dan peraturan untuk meningkatkan perasaan cinta, taat serta pengorbanan kepada  negara. Melalui penerangan dan kefahaman yang jelas, betul dan tepat dalam kumpulan. Peserta perlu memahami perundangan dan peraturan lalulintas supaya dapat membantu dalam mempertingkatkan lagi kualiti pengendalian kenderaan di jalan raya.  Mempelajari tentang perundangan dan peraturan yang merangkumi dasar, perlaksanaan serta penguatkuasaan dan cabaran. Melalui elemen-elemen tadi, peserta akan dibantu untuk membina serta memupuk rasa  kasih kepada negara dan mematuhi peraturan. Peserta dapat mengetahui bagaimana undang-undang dibuat dan dikuatkuasakan serta peraturan yang ada di negara kita.


Modul ini juga amat penting kerana ia menentukan perilaku seseorang peserta semasa berada di jalan raya untuk mengawal kenderaan dengan betul mengikut peraturan lalulintas. Etika seseorang pemandu kenderaan mesti melakukan perilaku yang berhemah sebelum memulakan perjalanan seperti membetulkan tempat duduk, cermin, kebersihan dan tali pinggang keselamatan. Semasa perjalanan, etika seorang pemandu sentiasa memberi perhatian, tumpuan, jarak mengekori 2 hingga 4 saat, peraturan memotong dan membrek secara perlahan. Peserta dapat memahami teknik pemanduan berekonomi serta mengamalkan teknik kawalan kenderaan. Mengenalpasti, menjangka dan bertindak dengan betul apabila berhadapan dengan halangan atau bahaya dengan selamat.


Kaedah yang digunakan adalah bersifat interaktif dan penyertaan, bagi membolehkan para peserta memahami dan menghayati input Latihan dan Pendidikan. Kaedah tersebut termasuklah:

- Pembentangan Fasilitator dan Perbincangan
- Perbincangan Kumpulan dan Persembahan
- Ujian Bertulis
- Pemeriksaan Kenderaan
- Latihan Praktikal Pemanduan di jalanraya

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Environment And Safety Awareness


The environment is becoming an issue of growing concerns by everyone today. Significant changes to the environment have brought about greater awareness on the need to manage industrial activities and control the impact to the environment.

Similarly  safety and health is a matter of concern to employers and employees. Accidents cause unnecessary suffering to the injured. It affects the operations of the plant and it is costly.

The objective of the program is to clearly to enable employees to understand environmental , safety and health issues  that is relevant to their workplace and be able to understand the various hazards especially on machine and chemicals. The understanding on causes of accidents and their preventive measures to prevent hazards accidents will help them to create a accident free workplace.

The understanding of issues at workplace  which affects the environment will ensure  the preservation of the environment for future generations.


The purpose of the two day program is to create awareness on issues of health and safety and environment and the impact of the organization to the environment.

The participants will also be able to understand  the legislations and regulations of Malaysia which are prevalent in the country.

Target Group

Management and supervision staff of the organization dealing with safety health and environment at the workplac

Course Outline

Day 1

The world and the environment

The natural resources and the ecological system

Surroundings in which an organization operates, including air, water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna, humans and their interrelation

The pollutants and the various issues at the workplace

Air, water and waste discharge

Salient features of the ENVIRONEMENT QUALITY ACT  1974






The accident scenario at workplace. Accident examples and statistics

Data and examples of injuries and accidents.  The cost of accidents to an organisation

The need to be continuously motivated to ensure a safe environment

The highly safety motivated employee and a high performance for productivity


Covers scope of the act, Object of the Act, Responsibility of Management and employees, duties of employers, safety officers, safety committee, penalties under the act


-Physical Hazards
-Mechanical hazards and guardings.
-Chemical hazards . The Handling, usage storage and disposal of chemicals
-Biological hazards


-commitment for Zero accident at workplace.
-Elements of accidents prevention program.
-Identifying causes of accidents and eliminating the unsafe conditions and practices.


-Legal requirements
-The role of the committee

Blue Ocean Strategy


The seminar aims to introduce the concept and principles of Blue Ocean Strategy to delegates so that they are able to apply the strategy to transform their organization in preparation for future challenges. The learning outcomes are :

Discover how to increase opportunities in uncontested market space

Develop an in-depth understanding of how to generate a Blue Ocean Strategy which creates
breakthrough idea on how to bench-test new strategy and how to convert it into an actionable plan

Gain key insights on how the Blue Ocean concept, tools and frameworks will complement
and go beyond the traditional approaches to strategy

Unleash the power of a Blue Ocean Strategy, in particular within a difficult economic climate

Leverage ‘Value innovations’ and how Blue Ocean Strategy creates breakthrough ideas

Learn to diagnose and recognise shortfalls in current products and services strategies

Apply Blue Ocean Strategy to your own organisation

Promote and maintain team effectiveness and productivity


This seminar employs adult learning techniques, which include active learning strategies to facilitate understanding, retention and application.


Module 1
Introduction to Blue Ocean Strategy – the perils of competing in conventional ways, BOS origin and conceptual framework,
the need to innovate to stay on top

Module 2
Strategy Canvass – a diagnostic tool for building BOS, capturing the the current state of play

Module 3
Visual Awakening – capturing the BIG picture, determining Value Factors, constructing the ‘AS-IS’ Strategy

Module 4
Red Ocean Vs Blue Ocean – achieving breakthrough through Value Innovation

Module 5
The 6th Path – searching for uncontested market, head-to-head competition Versus Blue Ocean creation

Module 6
The ERRC Grid – reconstructing the market boundaries, the four action framework for developing New Value Curve

Module 7
The Non-customers – scaling up the BOS, reaching beyond existing demand Module 8
Buyer’s/ investor’s Experience Cycle – searching for the un-served market needs