Friday, 30 December 2016
Friday, 9 December 2016
Siti Aishah shared Public Speaking Workshop for Children (Azmi Shahrin Triple A Training) @ SDAR 3 Dec 2016 with you
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Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy Mountain View, CA 94043 USA |
Wednesday, 7 December 2016
Tuesday, 6 December 2016
Tuesday, 29 November 2016
Monday, 28 November 2016
Siti Aishah shared High Impact Presentation Skill (Azmi Shahrin iKnowledge) @ 23-24 Nov 2016 with you
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Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy Mountain View, CA 94043 USA |
Saturday, 26 November 2016
Friday, 25 November 2016
Training Conducted by Azmi Shahrin HRDF PSMB Training Provider -
Business Presentation Skills Training in KL Malaysia -
Kursus Pengucapan Awam -
Kursus Pengucapan Awam Untuk Sekolah -
Wednesday, 23 November 2016
Monday, 21 November 2016
Komunikasi adalah perkara yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan kita.Untuk mencapai sesuatu, kita perlu berkomunikasi dengan keluarga, rakan sepejabat , majikan atau pelanggan. Kemahiran berkomunikasi yang baik adalah perlu bagi memastikan mesej yang hendak disampaikan itu berkesan. NLP atau Neuro Linguisitic Programming adalah berkaitan mereka, mempelajari, memahami dan memindahkan kemahiran di dalam bidang tertentu .
Dengan menggunakan NLP, peserta akan berupaya untuk mengubah dari pemasaran biasa kepada yang lebih fokus, bertenaga dan strategik. NLP adalah kaedah yang digunakan oleh kebanyakkan profesional berjaya dari pelbagai bidang aktiviti. Mudah dan berkesan adalah dua elemen penting yang menjadikan kaedah ini adalah paling banyak diaplikasikan.
Pada akhir kursus peserta dijangka akan:
- Memahami asas andaian NLP dalam komunikasi seharian
- Mengamalkan etiket bisnes dan adab-adab dalam berkomunikasi secara profesional dengan pelanggan, pihak atasan, pekerja, rakan dan juga pihak media
- Berkomunikasi cara yang lebih berpengaruh dengan cara positif
- Mengetahui dan mengaplikasikan teknik melontarkan suara dan nada suara yang jelas dan difahami seterusnya mampu meningkatkan reputasi diri dan organisasi.
- Mengamalkan teknik NLP dalam komunikasi dan menyedari keperluannya dalam kerjaya
Kursus ini mengguna pakai kaedah-kaedah pembelajaran dewasa termasuk rancangan pembelajaran aktif demi meningkatkan kefahaman dan penerapan. Kaedah yang digunakan merangkumi Perbincangan dan Pembentangan serta Latihan Dalam Kumpulan. Kursus ini memperuntukkan 60% masa untuk para peserta berlatih kaedah-kaedah berkomunikasi menggunakan NLP melalui kegiatan berseorangan atau berkumpulan. Nota akan disediakan untuk setiap modul.
Modul 1
Pendahuluan Kepada Ilmu NLP
- Definisi NLP
- Sejarah perkembangan ilmu NLP
- Asas NLP
- Contoh-contoh penggunaan NLP apabila berkomunikasi
- Mengenal pasti situasi yang sesuai digunakan teknik NLP untuk memujuk dan mendapat keputusan yang baik
Modul 2
Teknik-Teknik NLP
- Anchoring
- Future Pacing
- Swish
- Reframing
- Future Outcome
- Parts Integration
- State Management
- Metaphors
- Sleight Of Mouth
Modul 3
Komunikasi Yang Lebih Berkesan Dengan NLP
- Berupaya mempraktikkan teknik-teknik NLP yang bersesuaian dalam berkomunikasi
- Bagaimana NLP dapat menambah keberkesanan komunikasi
- Kesilapan biasa berkomunikasi
- Reframing Techniques
- Milton Model
- Meta Modal Language Technique
- Chunking
- Quantum Linguistics
Modul 4
NLP Sebagai Penyelesai Masalah
- Cara-cara menyelesaikan masalah dengan NLP
- Mengenal pasti masalah-masalah yang boleh diselesaikan oleh NLP
- Hubung kait masalah peribadi dengan masalah di tempat kerja
Modul 5
Memberi Dorongan Dengan Melalui Teknik NLP
- Mempelajari teknik memberi dorongan secara efektif dengan teknik NLP
- Memujuk dan mempengaruhi orang sekeliling untuk mengambil tindakan
- Berupaya memotivasi serta meningkatkan produktiviti kumpulan dengan menggunakan kaedah NLP
Modul 6
NLP dan Kredibiliti Anda
- Punca kekurangan kredibiliti
- Pentingnya kredibiliti dalam kerja yang cemerlang
- Menggunakan NLP untuk menambah kredibiliti
- Memilih teknik NLP yang sesuai mengikut persekitaran sekeliling
Modul 7
Membangunkan Hubungan Baik
- Perihal pentingnya hubungan yang baik di tempat kerja
- Matching & Mirroring
- Eye Accessing
- Face Reading
- Menggunakan teknik membaca fikiran untuk menyelami perasaan, menduga niat dan memahami maksud mendalam seseorang
Modul 8
Kuasa Ajaib NLP Untuk Memujuk
- Pentingnya kebolehan memujuk dalam menjanakan kecemerlangan kerjaya
- Mengenali dan mengaplikasi teknik State Elicitation, Pace & Lead, dan Anchoring untuk memujuk, mendorong, mempengaruhi, memasar dan menjual idea, produk dan perkhidmatan secara efektif
Modul 9
Pelan Tindakan Peserta
- Peserta menggaris pelan tindakan untuk menggunakan NLP di tempat kerja
- Perkongsian pelan tindakan
- Janji untuk melaksanakan pelan tindakan
Basic Occupational First Aid and CPR Training
Course Overview
First Aid means the initial help that is delivered to the sick and injured. This help might seem simple but makes a difference between life and death. The two days training will emphasize on the emergency procedures that can be carried out immediately if there is any injury or sickness at the workplace. This is a highly practical training with plenty of practice sessions and simulation to expose participants to a variety emergency scenario.
Course Objective
Completing the course, participants will be able to:
- Demonstrate Basic Life Support Steps i.e. CPR and Heimlich Manoeuvre
- Manage injury and illness at workplace i.e. Bleeding, Fracture, Burn, Shock, Spinal Injury, Asthmatic Attack, Heart Attack, Seizure etc
- Manage Multiple Casualty Scenario with systematic approach
- Enable the management to comply with the Legal Provision and DOSH guidelines
Target Participants
- Human Resource Managers and Personnel
- Safety and Health Committee Members
- Emergency Response Team Members
- OSH Practitioners: SHO, OHD, OHN, IHT, CHRA
- Safety Managers and Personnel
- Security Managers and Personnel
- All levels of workers and interested individuals
Training Approach and Methodology
This training employs adult learning techniques which include active learning strategies to facilitate understanding and retention. Participants will spend 80% of the time in individual or group activities which allow them to learn, develop and practice first aid skills. The trainer will draw from the participants’ experiences to simulate real life situations and case studies to enhance the training.
If required, participants can be assessed on their first aid knowledge at the end of the training. Qualified participants will be awarded a Certificate of First Aid Proficiency. The Program Highlight – Emergency Drill
After going through all the theory and practical sessions, participants will be exposed to several scenario-based emergency drills involving multiple injuries such as bleeding, amputation, penetrating wound, fracture, burn, scald and spine injuries.
Participants will be required to perform first aid treatment for these injuries which enables them to gain hands-on experience as a competent First Aider.
Course Syllabus
Module 1
Basic Life Support
About Death
Common cause of sudden death: Heart attack, Cardiac arrest, Stroke, Choking
The Circulatory and Respiratory System
Module 2
Health Screening Test
Glucose Test
Blood Pressure
Urine Test
Body Composition Analysis
Module 3
The Chain of Survival
Early Access
Early CPR
Early Defibrillation – Introduction Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
Early Advance Care
Post Cardiac Arrest Care
Please contact Aishah 012 - 8919855 for more information.
Training Conducted by Azmi Shahrin HRDF PSMB Training Provider - Business Presentation Skills Training in KL Malaysia - Kursus Pengucapan Awam - Kursus Pengucapan Awam Untuk Sekolah -
First Aid means the initial help that is delivered to the sick and injured. This help might seem simple but makes a difference between life and death. The two days training will emphasize on the emergency procedures that can be carried out immediately if there is any injury or sickness at the workplace. This is a highly practical training with plenty of practice sessions and simulation to expose participants to a variety emergency scenario.
Course Objective
Completing the course, participants will be able to:
- Demonstrate Basic Life Support Steps i.e. CPR and Heimlich Manoeuvre
- Manage injury and illness at workplace i.e. Bleeding, Fracture, Burn, Shock, Spinal Injury, Asthmatic Attack, Heart Attack, Seizure etc
- Manage Multiple Casualty Scenario with systematic approach
- Enable the management to comply with the Legal Provision and DOSH guidelines
Target Participants
- Human Resource Managers and Personnel
- Safety and Health Committee Members
- Emergency Response Team Members
- OSH Practitioners: SHO, OHD, OHN, IHT, CHRA
- Safety Managers and Personnel
- Security Managers and Personnel
- All levels of workers and interested individuals
Training Approach and Methodology
This training employs adult learning techniques which include active learning strategies to facilitate understanding and retention. Participants will spend 80% of the time in individual or group activities which allow them to learn, develop and practice first aid skills. The trainer will draw from the participants’ experiences to simulate real life situations and case studies to enhance the training.
If required, participants can be assessed on their first aid knowledge at the end of the training. Qualified participants will be awarded a Certificate of First Aid Proficiency. The Program Highlight – Emergency Drill
After going through all the theory and practical sessions, participants will be exposed to several scenario-based emergency drills involving multiple injuries such as bleeding, amputation, penetrating wound, fracture, burn, scald and spine injuries.
Participants will be required to perform first aid treatment for these injuries which enables them to gain hands-on experience as a competent First Aider.
Course Syllabus
Module 1
Basic Life Support
About Death
Common cause of sudden death: Heart attack, Cardiac arrest, Stroke, Choking
The Circulatory and Respiratory System
Module 2
Health Screening Test
Glucose Test
Blood Pressure
Urine Test
Body Composition Analysis
Module 3
The Chain of Survival
Early Access
Early CPR
Early Defibrillation – Introduction Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
Early Advance Care
Post Cardiac Arrest Care
Please contact Aishah 012 - 8919855 for more information.
Training Conducted by Azmi Shahrin HRDF PSMB Training Provider - Business Presentation Skills Training in KL Malaysia - Kursus Pengucapan Awam - Kursus Pengucapan Awam Untuk Sekolah -
Friday, 11 November 2016
Public Speaking @ SDAR Gavel Club
I taught public speaking at the SDAR Gavel Club on 10 Nov 2016
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Date: Nov 10, 2016 1:37 PM
Subject: Sdar
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From: "Azmi Shahrin" <>
Date: Nov 10, 2016 1:37 PM
Subject: Sdar
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Saturday, 5 November 2016
Kursus Basic First Aid & CPR (Triple A Training) @KKMM 2-3 Nov 2016
You received this mail because Siti Aishah shared these photos with you. If you no longer wish to receive email notifications of shared photos, unsubscribe here. Get the Google Photos app
Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy Mountain View, CA 94043 USA |
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