Wednesday 3 July 2013

The English Express II™ Intermediate English Programme


This is a 2-day intensive programme for government and corporate employees employees who require intermediate English language skills. It is the second part of the 3-part The English Express™ English Programmes.

Overcoming the Fear of the English Language

Many participants have poor command of the English language because they have English phobia. Their fear of the English language, trap them in a negative reinforcing cycle that offers no way out.

However, this course helps participants to overcome their fear of the English Language by encouraging them to use the language. By overcoming their fear, participants will begin a new positive reinforcing cycle which will put them on a path which will encourage them to continuously acquire new language skills.

The first major step to overcome the fear is to begin speaking in English regardless of grammatical, pronunciation and vocabulary mistakes.

Course Objective

In The English Express I™, the participants learned to overcome the fear of the English language by making a commitment to use English boldly. In the current programme, they will take another step in this direction. They will learn more advanced grammar and practise speaking in various situations. At the end of the programme, the participants will be able to communicate confidently in English with an improved grasp on the grammar.

Course Methodology

This programme employs adult learning techniques which include active learning strategies to facilitate understanding and retention. Participants will spend 80% of the time in individual or group activities which allow them to learn, develop and practise English language skills. A pre-test and a post-test (on grammar) are administered to gauge the participants’ retention. A simple workbook is used to facilitate the programme. The number of participants is limited to 15 to ensure personal attention for each participant.

Course Content

Module 1
  • Present Perfect Tense – usage of the verb in the present perfect form e.g. I have visited Singapore.
Module 2
  • Interacting with Customers – common words and phrases to use in conversation with customers

Module 3
  • Present Perfect Continuous Tense – usage of the verb in the present perfect continuous form e.g. I have been dating Angela since 2008.

Module 4
  • Pronunciation – plosive sounds, the schwa, correcting common errors

Module 5
  • Past Perfect Tense – usage of the verb in the past perfect form e.g. Ali told me that he had eaten.

Module 6
  • In the Office – common words and phrases to use in office conversations

Module 7
  • Past Perfect Continuous Tense – usage of the verb in the past perfect continuous form e.g. You had been waiting there for more than two hours when she finally arrived.

Module 8
  • Writing Exercise - Letter responding to customer complaint / An email request and responding to an email request

The English Express I™ Basic English Programme


This programme employs adult learning techniques which include active learning strategies to facilitate understanding and retention. Participants will spend 80% of the time in individual or group activities which allow them to learn, develop and practise English language skills. A pre-test and a post-test (on grammar) are administered to gauge the participants’ retention. A simple workbook is used to facilitate the programme.

Course Content

Module 1
  • Overcoming the Fear of the English Language – commitment & promise

Module 2
  • Stand Up and Speak – taking the first step

Module 3
  • Subject-Verb Agreement – the fundamental rule of English grammar – matching singular verb to singular
  • Noun and plural verb to plural noun. For example, Ali drives to office every morning, Ali and Mira drive to office every morning.

Module 4
  • In the Office – common words and useful phrases to use in office conversations, meetings and presentations

Module 5
  • Simple Present & Present Continuous Tense – the use of the simple present tense to describe a truth or a habitual action. For example, Ali brushes his teeth every morning.
  • The use of the present continuous tense to describe a current action. For example, Ali is brushing his teeth now.

Module 6
  • Simple Past & Past Continuous Tense – the use of the simple past tense to describe a past action. For example, Mila drove to work yesterday.
  • The use of past continuous tense to describe an action that was happening at a specific time in the past. For example, Mila was watching TV at 10 p.m. yesterday.

Module 7
  • Telephone Conversation Skills - common words and useful phrases to use in telephone conversations

Module 8
  • Interacting with Customers – common words and phrases to use in conversation with customers

Public Speaking Skills Program


This 2-day intensive public speaking skills program is specially customized to meet client’s training needs in upgrading its capability to meet present and future challenges. It is suitable for any support staff, executives and managers from any department who need to enhance their public speaking and general communication skills.


An effective speech is one that achieves the objective of getting the audience to take an intended and specific action e.g. briefing delegates, subscribing to a service, approving a proposal etc. To achieve this, the speaker needs to overcome nervousness, and incorporate elements of dynamic delivery and critical content into the speech. These are the ingredients that will transform any boring ineffective speech into one that is impactful, engaging and highly effective.

  1. Transform boring and ineffective speeches into exciting and effective ones
  2. Incorporate elements of dynamic delivery and critical content into any speech
  3. Anticipate and fulfill the audience expectations
  4. Use politically correct phrases to avoid confrontation

In this program, participants will first of all acquire basic public speaking skills required for delivering effective speeches. Next, participants will learn to apply advanced public speaking skills to enhance their capability to leave a lasting impact on any audience. At the end of the program, participants will be able to deliver professional and effective speeches with confidence, persuasiveness and style.


This program employs adult learning techniques which include active learning strategies to facilitate understanding and retention. Participants will spend 80% of the time in individual or group activities which allow them to learn, develop and practice presentation skills. A workbook is used to facilitate the program and additional notes will be handed out where necessary.

Course Content

Module 1
  • Introduction to Public Speaking Skills – the importance of effective public speaking, a glimpse of great speeches

Module 2
  • Self-assessment – where am I now and where do I want to be?

Module 3
  • Overcoming Nervousness & Avoiding Speech Crutches - first project focusing on reducing nervousness and speech crutches

Module 4A
  • Elements of Dynamic Delivery I – Incorporate basic and advanced hand gestures

Module 4B
  • Elements of Dynamic Delivery II – apply Stance, facial expression and eye contact

Module 4C
  • Elements of Dynamic Delivery III – Use vocal projection and variation into the speech delivery; applying the dos and the don’t of delivery

Module 5
  • Speech Organization – Focus on elements of introduction, body & conclusion; logic and sequencing; anticipate and fulfill audience expectations

Module 6
  • Pronunciation Skills – Correcting commonly mispronounced words by Malaysians. For example:
  1. Correct > kuh-rekt instead of ko-rekt
  2. Connect > kuh-nekt instead of ko-nekt

Module 7
  • Presenting a Speech, Briefing or Proposal – This exercise can be customized to accommodate and practice actual Speech, Briefings or Proposals at the workplace

Module 8
  • Further Steps – self-assessment again, comparison with earlier results, what to do next to become even better

Kursus Penyampaian Dengan Powerpoint Berkesan


Kursus Penyampaian Berkesan ini adalah kursus intensif sehari yang dirumus khas untuk membimbing peserta mendalami kaedah dan teknik penyampaian yang bertenaga, berkesan dan menepati matlamat.


Kursus ini bertujuan untuk membantu peserta mengatasi darah gemuruh serta mempelajari kaedah dan teknik kemahiran penyampaian yang bertenaga dan berkesan. Melalui kursus ini, peserta akan diberi nasihat dan panduan untuk terus meningkatkan dan memantapkan kemahiran sedia ada. Kursus ini amat sesuai sebagai langkah permulaan untuk sesiapa yang ingin berkomunikasi secara berkesan dan berhasrat untuk menyampaikan ucapan serta taklimat yang cemerlang. Setelah mengikuti kursus ini, peserta mampu menyampaikan segala bentuk ucapan yang memberangsangkan dengan penuh keyakinan.

Kursus ini mengguna pakai kaedah-kaedah pembelajaran dewasa termasuk rancangan pembelajaran aktif demi meningkatkan kefahaman dan penerapan. Kursus ini memperuntukkan 80% masa untuk kegiatan berseorangan atau berkumpulan bagi membolehkan para peserta mempelajari, membina dan menerapkan kemahiran penyampaian. Buku kerja akan digunakan untuk memudah pemahaman. Bilangan peserta dihadkan kepada 20 orang untuk memastikan setiap peserta mendapat perhatian peribadi.

Sukatan Kursus

Modul 1
  • Pengenalan kepada Ilmu Pengucapan Awam - perihal pentingnya kemahiran Pengucapan Awam, imbasan ucapan-ucapan yang cemerlang

Modul 2
  • Mengatasi Darah Gemuruh & Menghindari Penongkat Ucapan – cara bagaimana mengatasinya

Modul 3
  • Kemahiran Penyampaian Bertenaga Asas – gerakan tangan, cara berdiri, mimik muka, tatapan mata, lontaran dan kepelbagaian suara

Modul 4
  • Susunan Penyampaian Berkesan – kerangka pembukaan, isi kandungan & penutup, logik & urutan

Modul 5
  • Penyampaian Menggunakan Powerpoint – menghindari kesilapan-kesilapan utama menggunakan Powerpoint, menggunakan Powerpoint sebagai alat bantu pandang

Kumpulan Sasaran

Kursus Pengucapan Awam ini boleh dikendalikan untuk staf sokongan dan pegawai secara berasingan atau disekalikan mengikut keperluan penganjur. Kami berpendirian bahawa setiap insan memerlukan kemahiran Pengucapan Awam dan wajar memperoleh kemahiran ini seawal mungkin.

Kursus Penyampaian Berkesan


Kursus Penyampaian Berkesan ini adalah kursus intensif  sehari yang dirumus khas untuk membimbing peserta mendalami kaedah dan teknik penyampaian yang bertenaga, berkesan dan menepati matlamat.


Kursus ini bertujuan untuk membantu peserta mengatasi darah gemuruh serta mempelajari kaedah dan teknik kemahiran penyampaian yang bertenaga dan berkesan. Melalui kursus ini, peserta akan diberi nasihat dan panduan untuk terus meningkatkan dan memantapkan kemahiran sedia ada. Kursus ini amat sesuai sebagai langkah permulaan untuk sesiapa yang ingin berkomunikasi secara berkesan dan berhasrat untuk menyampaikan ucapan serta taklimat yang cemerlang. Setelah mengikuti kursus ini, peserta mampu menyampaikan segala bentuk ucapan yang memberangsangkan dengan penuh keyakinan.

Kursus ini mengguna pakai kaedah-kaedah pembelajaran dewasa termasuk rancangan pembelajaran aktif demi meningkatkan kefahaman dan penerapan. Kursus ini memperuntukkan 80% masa untuk kegiatan berseorangan atau berkumpulan bagi membolehkan para peserta mempelajari, membina dan menerapkan kemahiran penyampaian. Buku kerja akan digunakan untuk memudah pemahaman. Bilangan peserta dihadkan kepada 20 orang untuk memastikan setiap peserta mendapat perhatian peribadi.

Sukatan Kursus

Modul 1
Pengenalan kepada Ilmu Pengucapan Awam - perihal pentingnya kemahiran Pengucapan Awam, imbasan ucapan-ucapan yang cemerlang

Modul 2
Mengatasi Darah Gemuruh & Menghindari Penongkat Ucapan – cara bagaimana mengatasinya

Modul 3
Kemahiran Penyampaian Bertenaga Asas – gerakan tangan, cara berdiri, mimik muka

Modul 4
Kemahiran Penyampaian Bertenaga Lanjutan – tatapan mata, lontaran dan kepelbagaian suara

Modul 5
Susunan Penyampaian Berkesan – kerangka pembukaan,isi kandungan & penutup, logik & urutan

Kumpulan Sasaran

Kursus Pengucapan Awam ini boleh dikendalikan untuk staf sokongan dan pegawai secara berasingan atau disekalikan mengikut keperluan penganjur. Kami berpendirian bahawa setiap insan memerlukan kemahiran Pengucapan Awam dan wajar memperoleh kemahiran ini seawal mungkin.

Kursus Pengucapan Awam


Kursus Pengucapan Awam ini adalah kursus intensif 2 hari yang dirumus khas untuk membimbing peserta mendalami kaedah dan teknik penyampaian yang berkesan dan menepati matlamat.


Kursus ini bertujuan untuk membantu peserta mengatasi darah gemuruh serta mempelajari kaedah dan teknik kemahiran pengucapan awam yang asas. Peserta juga diberi nasihat dan panduan untuk terus meningkatkan dan memantapkan kemahiran sedia ada.

Kursus ini amat sesuai sebagai langkah permulaan untuk sesiapa yang ingin berkomunikasi secara berkesan dan berhasrat untuk menyampaikan pengucapan awam yang cemerlang. Setelah mengikuti kursus ini, peserta mampu menyampaikan segala bentuk ucapan yang memberangsangkan dengan penuh keyakinan.

Kursus ini mengguna pakai kaedah-kaedah pembelajaran dewasa termasuk rancangan pembelajaran aktif demi meningkatkan kefahaman dan penerapan. Kursus ini memperuntukkan 80% masa untuk kegiatan berseorangan atau berkumpulan bagi membolehkan para peserta mempelajari, membina dan menerapkan kemahiran Pengucapan Awam.

Buku kerja akan digunakan untuk memudah pemahaman. Buku kerja ini juga mengandungi latihan-latihan tambahan untuk digunakan oleh peserta setelah tamat kursus. Bilangan peserta dihadkan kepada 20 orang untuk memastikan setiap peserta mendapat perhatian peribadi.

Sukatan Kursus

1. Modul Pertama

-  Pengenalan kepada Ilmu Pengucapan Awam - perihal pentingnya  kemahiran Pengucapan Awam, imbasan
   ucapan-ucapan yang cemerlang

2. Modul Kedua

-  Penilaian Diri - di mana saya berada sekarang dan ke mana saya ingin tuju?

3. Modul Ketiga

-  Mengatasi Darah Gemuruh & Menghindari Penongkat Ucapan - tugasan ucapan pertama

4. Modul Keempat

-  Penyusunan Pengucapan Awam - pembukaan, isi kandungan & penutup, logik & urutan

5. Modul Kelima

-  Bahasa Tubuh - gerakan tangan, gaya berdiri, mimik muka, tatapan  mata

6. Modul Keenam

-  Kepelbagaian Suara - kederasan & kelantangan suara, kaedah berdiam

7. Modul Ketujuh

-  Perbendaharaan Kata Pinjaman - mengurangkan penggunaan perkataan - perkataan yang dicedok
   daripada Bahasa Inggeris, sebutan yang betul  untuk perkataan pinjaman yang boleh diterima

8. Modul Kelapan

-  Langkah-langkah Selanjutnya - penilaian diri sekali lagi, perbandingan dengan keputusan terdahulu, apa
   yang perlu dilakukan sekarang untuk terus maju

Kumpulan sasaran

Kursus Pengucapan Awam ini boleh dikendalikan untuk staf sokongan dan pegawai secara berasingan atau disekalikan mengikut keperluan penganjur. Kami berpendirian bahawa setiap insan memerlukan kemahiran Pengucapan Awam dan wajar memperoleh kemahiran ini seawal mungkin.

Statistical Tolerance


This seminar will include a review of statistical theory and present statistical methods, which are used to better select and/or analyze Tolerance Stack-ups. The Probability (RMS) Method and tolerance optimization techniques will be discussed along with guidelines on which method(s) to use in given situations. Attendees will also view a demonstration of a excel based simulation program that analyzes the effects of form and assembly variation on the quality of a finished product.

Note: Participants should bring a scientific calculator for several in-class exercises


By attending in this seminar, you will be able to:
  • Apply worst case, root-mean-square, and six sigma methods for the allocation of analysis of simple-to intermediate complexity tolerancing schemes
  • Use the "Risk of Misassembly" approach for tolerance allocation, and the "Main Effect" approach for
  • determining dimensional variables    tolerance which exhibit the greatest impact on build variation
  • Understand and be exposed to the computer tools which can greatly improve their statistical tolerancing efforts, given the intricacies of GD&T, plus-minus tolerancing and various datum schemes

Course Content
  • Review of Tolerancing Methods, Tolerance Stack-Ups and the relationship between Tolerancing and Quality. A High-Level Overview of Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing (GD&T) and Process Capability Measurement is Provided
  • Tolerance Synthesis (Allocation) Versus Tolerance Analysis
  • Overview of the Worst Case (non-statistical) Tolerancing Method for comparison with Statistical Tolerancing Results
  • Probability & Statistics Concepts Required for Statistical Tolerancing Methods
  1. Tolerance Allocation Based on "Risk of Misassembly"
  2. Statistical Tolerancing Using the Root-Mean-Square (RMS) Method
  3. With bilateral tolerances
  4. With unilateral and/or asymmetrical tolerances
  5. In 2-D and 3-D applications
  6. Participant exercises
  • Analyzing Part Tolerances using Main Effect and Sensitivity Analysis Methods - Methods for Determining the Contribution of Process Variables to Overall Process Variation
  • Tolerance Optimization Techniques - Their Benefits in Effective Tolerancing of Parts and Assemblies
  • Introduction to Monte Carlo Analysis

Target Audience

This seminar is intended for engineers  who would like to have a good working knowledge of applying statistics to product design in order to better predict and improve product quality

Statistical Forecasting


There are many uses for forecasting. Every industry has a need to predict the “unknown” whether it be in production, manufacturing, retail, or service industry. Forecasting helps management plan for the future, whether it be in the short- range plans or long-range

-  Manufacturing Firms – To forecast Demand
-  Service Organizations – To forecast Customer arrival patterns
-  Financial Analysts – To forecast revenues & profits
-  Investors – To forecast economic indicators


On completion of the Program, participants will be able to :

-  Formulate various Forecasting Models
-  Determine future supply, demand, pricing, sales, or some other
   variables of interest
-  Determine the strength of the predicted model
-  Track Signal in Forecasting


Lecture, Workshop Activities, Discussion & Excel based Calculations

Course Content

1. Types of Forecasting both Qualitative and Quantitative

2. Quantitative models using Time Series Forecasting

-  3-point Moving Average
-  3-point Weighted Moving Average
-  Exponential Smoothing
-  Adjusted Exponential Smoothing
-  Classical Decomposition

3. Quantitative Models using Regressions or Causal Forecasting

4. Tracking Signal Tool used to monitor the effectiveness of forecasting method

Target Audience

-  Production Manager / Executive
-  Factory Manager / Finance Manager
-  Operations Manager/Executive/Officer
-  Production & Material Planner / Executive/ Supervisor
-  Sales / Marketing Manager

Statistical Process Control (SPC)


Manufacturing Organizations use SPC tools to drive continual improvement in Manufacturing and Production Operations. In the present work environment everyone involved in continual improvement should be equipped or armed with the know how in utilizing SPC tools. This course will improve the analytic skill and effectiveness in monitoring process performances. And implementation of the appropriate countermeasure when process deviates from target. Also determine the process capability.


  1. The ultimate goal of every manufacturing company is to achieve total customer satisfaction. One of the key initiatives in achieving this goal is through the introduction of Statistical Process Control (SPC)
  2. The understanding of variation, its source and how to control the  variation is the fundamental in making sure that the manufacturing process is stable. Through the introduction of statistical process control (SPC), it will prompt the user when there is out of control situation
  3. This course will introduce the participants to basic understanding of statistic, perform hand–on measurement system analysis, conduct    process capability study and establish an effective Statistical Process Control (SPC) program
  4. The program aims to :
  • Describe the overall concepts of variation to the process, fundamental statistics and measurement system
  • Describe the key elements and importance of an effective Statistical    Process Control (SPC) program
  • Construct control charts for variables data (X-bar-R, and X-mR) and    attribute charts (p, np, c, and u)
  • Outline the steps in implementing and maintaining the SPC program
  • Where you can and cannot use X bar R Charts

Course Content

1. Working with variation

-  Accuracy
-  Precision
-  The Standard Deviation
-  Calculating the Standard Deviation
-  The Excel Formulas
-  The Histogram
-  The Normal Distribution
-  The Bell Shaped Curve
-  Calculating the Area
-  Normal Distribution Tables
-  Finding the Z Score
-  Common and Special Causes
-  The Range Method
-  Variation Exercises

2. Process capability

-  The Foundation of Capability
-  Natural Tolerance Limits
-  Cp Process Capability Index
-  Interpreting Cp
-  Cpk Process Capability Index
-  Upper and Lower Process Capability Index
-  Pp, Ppk Process Performance Index
-  Non-Normal Distributions
-  The Six Sigma Metrics

3. Control charts for variables

-  Run Charts
-  Control Charts for the Mean
-  Why Take Subgroups?
-  Sample vs Process Standard Deviations
-  The Significance of Control Limits
-  Calculating the Control Limits
-  Introducing A2
-  Control Charts for the Range
-  Control Chart Design
-  Control Charts Example
-  Type I and II Errors
-  The Probability of a Type II Error
-  Interpreting Patterns
-  Distribution of Points
-  Applying Control Charts for Variables

4. Control charts for attributes

-  The Standard Deviation
-  The Control Limits
-  np Charts
-  p Charts
-  Varying Control Limits
-  p Chart example
-  c Charts
-  c Charts Examples
-  u-Charts

Target Audience

Technicians, Supervisors, Executives, Quality & Manufacturing Engineers, Maintenance Engineers, and Management Personnel who are involved in continuous improvement activities

Sampling Techniques


Sampling plans in the form of published standards are used in industry world-wide as a means of assisting quality assurance personnel to decide whether to accept or reject lots of product presented for inspection.

There are a number of standards available. Commonly used standards are ANSI/ASQ Z1.4 (replacing MIL-STD-105E) for inspection by attributes and ANSI/ASQZ1.9 and for inspection by variables. The standards provide inspectors with information on the size of sample to be selected and a set of rules and procedures, related to the AQL (acceptable quality limit), which enables the inspector, having examined the sample, to decide on the acceptance or rejection of the lot.

The sampling standards provide organizations with an effective and cost efficient means of selecting sample sizes and devising sampling plans. The switching rules, when correctly used, provide for reduced sampling when incoming product is of consistently good quality, thereby considerably reducing inspection costs, while also providing for more stringent tests should quality levels decline.

The variables sampling plans (e.g. ANSI/ASQ Z1.9) should be more widely used, in circumstances where samples are examined by measurement, because inspection by variables requires considerably smaller sample sizes, when compared to inspecting the same characteristic by attributes. Emphasis will be placed in this training course on the correct use of the switching rules and selection of the appropriate standard. The sampling standards ANSI/ASQ Z 1.4 and ANSI/ASQ Z 1.9 will be used for reference on this training course.


1. On completing this course the participant will:
  • Understand how to use the sampling standards for inspection  by attributes and variables
  • Know how to select the appropriate sample size and how to apply the rules for acceptance or rejection of and inspection lot
  • Know when to use normal, tightened and reduced sampling plans

2. Choosing a Sampling Plan with a given OC Curve
  • Understand the basic statistics underlying the sampling plans and    the four graphs explaining about a sampling plan

3. Understand sampling inspection terminology

4. Understand α-error and β-error


Lecture, Discussion & Case Studies

Course Content

1. Introduction to the statistics relevant to inspection by attributes and variables

2. Explanation of sampling inspection system terminology including:
  • Acceptance quality limit (AQL), inspection levels, attributes, variables, probability of acceptance, operating characteristic (OC), random sampling, consumer’s risk , producer’s risk and lot tolerance percent defective (LTPD).

3. The correct approach to determining the acceptance quality limit (AQL)

4. Creating OC Curve(OC),Average Outgoing Quality Curve (AOQ),Average Total Inspection Curve
    (ATI) and Average Sample Number Curve (ASN) using excel

5. Identifying the appropriate inspection level and sample sizes in the sampling tables

6. Exercises in the use of the sampling tables selecting the sampling plans for inspection by attributes        and variables.  How the tables are used to decide on acceptance or rejection of a lot.

7. Explain the statistics underlying sampling plans, describes in detail how the sampling tables for both
    attributes and variables are  used

8. How to correctly use the switching rules for optimum effectiveness

Target Audience
  • Managing Director / Factory Manager/Production Manager/Supervisor
  • QA Managers/ QA Executive/ Supervisor
  • QC Manager , Engineering Managers, Design Engineers, Quality  Engineers and Quality Auditors
  • Staff who have responsibility for undertaking inspection of incoming  or outgoing lots of product

Root Cause Analysis (RCA)


This 2-day intensive RCA training programme is specially customized to meet training needs of the Logistics Sector in upgrading Senior Management’s capability to meet present and future challenges by applying effective techniques to solve problems.

Root Cause Analysis is a group of techniques developed for the Nuclear Regulatory Board of the United States for solving problems due to Quality, Safety and Pollution. Used correctly, Root Cause Analysis can be both proactive and reactive.

The techniques have beeen extended to the ISO 9000 (2000), ISO 18000 and ISO 14001 standards, and will become in the near future, an essential tool for certification to these standards. Root Cause Analysis is a team-based activity.

Root Cause Analysis is often regarded as a misunderstood activity and made to be similar to traditional problem solving which it is really not. Its goal is to eliminate problems by finding the root cause, which may often be a system, procedurals or human problem.


Course methodology includes a combination of Pre and Post Course Assessment, and Classroom sessions; On Job Training, LCD projector, video presentation as well as work-related application, Real Case Study of Logistics Management problems. Real life Projects and Processes will be used to achieve highest level of efficiency and training quality.


The principal objective of this programme is to equip the participants with an understanding of the tools and to be able to use them to resolve problems by searching in an organized manner the root causes. Root causes are the fundamental causes that need to be addressed in total prevention of the recurrence of the problems.

Participants attending will acquire the following:-

-  Raise their problem awareness
-  Know What is Root Cause Analysis
-  Grasp the need for Proactiveness
-  Be able to use the tools of Root Cause Analysis
-  Enhance their performance
-  Contribute positively to the company activities

Course Content

1. Introduction to RCA

-  Course Overview
-  Course Expectations and Procedures
-  The Goal of Root Cause Analysis
-  Use and Importance of Theory
-  Why is root cause analysis is important to an organization?
-  What are problems?
-  Types of Problems faced at the workplace
-  Symptoms, apparent causes, Root causes

2. Basics of Root Cause Analysis

-  What is a Root Cause?
-  Why most problem solving does not cure the root cause?
-  What is Root Cause Analysis
-  Requirements of Root Cause Analysis
-  Relationships between Problems and causes
-  The Key: Problem Statement
-  When to use the Root Cause Analysis Method
-  Root Cause Methodology

3. Use of techniques and Theory for RCA

-  Checking with reality
-  Problem solving methods available
-  Systematic problem solving approach
-  How analytical and creative thinking must be integrated
-  The Root Cause Analysis Method Topology
-  Examples of Root Causes
-  Tools of Root Cause Analysis
-  The Purpose of Tools
-  Inventory of Tools
-  The Simple and Complex Tools
-  Steps to be taken to resolve the problems – system, human, process,    etc.

4. Root Cause Analysis Tools

-  Tools needed for root cause analysis
-  Discovery of root cause and their difference from symptoms
-  Other Simple Tools Used
-  WHY – WHY Diagramming
-  Complex Tools for RCA
-  Change Analysis as a Tool of RCA

5. Change and Barrier Analysis

-  Discussion of Change Analysis Exercise
-  What is Barrier Analysis
-  When to Use the Barrier Analysis

6. The Tree Diagram

-  Theory and Practicality of tool
-  How and when to use the tool
-  The power of the diagram

7. The Events and Causal Factors Analysis
-  Topology of the Tool

8. Other Important tools of RCA

-  Task Analysis
-  The Tier Analysis Tool
-  The MORT Diagram
-  Other Tools used for RCA
-  The Steps in Conducting Root Cause Analysis

9. Systematic steps for problem solving technique – Apollo Methodology

-  Introduction to the Apollo Method
-  Tools and Methods
-  Application
-  Interpreting the results

10. The Ishikawa Diagram

-  Introduction to the Ishikawa Diagram
-  History of its development
-  3 different ways to use a cause and effect (Ishikawa) diagram
-  Analysing the diagram
-  Using the diagram for superior management decision

11. Problem Solving with 5 whys

-  What it is all about
-  Insights from using the 5 whys
-  Examples of problem solving using the 5 whys

12. Conducting an Actual RCA

-  Participant Case Analysis using RCA Methods
-  A Syndicate Activity
-  Integrating the Tools
-  Preparing for Presentation of Findings
-  Participant Presentations

Kitaran Kawalan Kualiti (QCC) Yang Berkesan & 7 Kawalan Alat Kualiti (QC)


Keberkesanan QCC & 7 Alat kawalan Kualiti adalah program yang dirangka bagi menyokong sektor perusahaan untuk menggunakan pelbagai cara peningkatan kualiti serta keberkesanan operasi. Program ini akan memberikan latihan praktikal melalui 7 Alat kawalan kualiti serta keberkesanan QCC.


  • Menggalakkan penggunaan carta struktur Kitaran Kawalan Kualiti serta menerangkan fungsinya dalam sesebuah organisasi.
  • Menyediakan kemahiran dan teknik mengenai konsep, operasi dan falsafah Kitaran Kawalan Kualiti / Kitaran Kreatif dan Inovatif.
  • Memahami kepentingan Alatan Kualiti dalam proses kawalan serta penambahbaikan.
  • Mentafsir graf dan Alatan Kawalan Kualiti dengan cara yang betul.
  • Mengaplikasi 7 Alat Kawalan Kualiti dengan berkesan bagi tujuan menganalisis dan mentafsir data bagi menyelesaikan masalah.

Kandungan Kursus

1. Pengenalan kepada Kitaran Kawalan Kualiti (QCC), Kawalan Kualiti (QC) dan PDCA.

2. Pengenalan kepada Kesinambungan Penambahbaikan serta 7 asas alat    Kawalan Kualiti.

3. Cetusan Idea – Proses Kreativiti : Sebab & Akibat (Rajah Tulang  Ikan).

4. Asas Pemahaman Statistik.

5. Menjalankan Ujian Kenormalan (Ujian  Anderson Darling- Anderson  Darling’s test)

6. Asas pemahaman dan kawalan Variasi

7. Pengenalan, aplikasi dan huraian tentang Helaian Semak atau Senarai Semak.

8. Pengenalan, aplikasi dan huraian tentang Kotak Plot (Boxplot).

9. Pengenalan, aplikasi dan huraian tentang Diagram Pareto dan Prinsip 80/20.

10. Pengenalan, aplikasi dan huraian tentang Graf serta Carta Kawalan.

11. Pengenalan, aplikasi dan huraian tentang Diagram Tersebar dan  Korelasi.

12. Pembinaan Carta Aliran dan aplikasinya.

13. Pembinaan Histogram dan aplikasinya.

14. Memahami Asas Anova.

Alat-alat Excel akan diberi secara percuma semasa program latihan untuk applikasi di tempat kerja anda.


1. Pengurus Pengeluaran / Eksekutif / Jurutera / Penyelia
2. Pengurus Kilang / Penyelia / Penyelaras
3. Pengurus Jabatan / Penyelia / Penyelaras
4. Pengurus Kawalan Kualiti atau Pengurus Jaminan Kualiti / Penyelia /    Penyelaras
5. Pekerja Industri & Individu yang terlibat dalam Kawalan Kualiti

Production Planning, Scheduling & Control


Organizations use Production planning and control as a tool to drive behaviors and improve performance in the supply chain management. In the present work environment everyone in the workforce should plan and evaluate their performances and initiate efforts to correct variations to support smooth operations. However, they are faced with following questions:
  • How is our organization performing?
  • How am I performing?
  • How do I know?
  • What are the measures?


1. On completion of the Program, participants will be able:
  • Understand the concept and benefits of planning
  • See how it could help improve in their daily activities
  • Identify opportunities in inventory management
  • Learn how to apply the tools by participating in a simulation
  • Understand the indicators that measure their performance and the organization


Lecture, Workshop Activities, Discussion & Calculations

Course Content

  • Introduction to Management and definitions of management, value, efficiency, effectiveness and control
  • What is a good forecast. Forecasting techniques both qualitative and    quantitative
  • Good and Bad Forecasting and Capacity Planning
  • Man and Job matching techniques. Optimizing manpower
  • Machine loading and capacity analysis
  • Sequencing – In what order should we process the orders:
  1. First come First serve
  2. Shortest processing Time
  3. Earliest due Date
  4. Critical Ratio
  5. Fewest Operation Remaining
  6. Least Set-Up
  • Sequencing - Talk Time, Cycle Time, Lead Time and Throughput Time
  • Line Balancing
  • Scheduling – What should we process and when should we process it
  • Types of Scheduling – Forward and Backward Scheduling
  • Using Gantt Charts
  • Controls – Precise, Accurate and Biasness. Tools used in controlling    Control Charts
  • Understanding of Inventory

Target Audience

  • Production Manager / Executive / Supervisor
  • Factory Manager / Supervisor / Coordinator
  • Operations Manager/Executive/Officer
  • Line Manager / Executive/ Supervisor
  • Production & Material Planner