Wednesday 18 September 2024

360 Leadership VS Traditional Leadership Styles - Top-Down vs. Multi-Directional Influence

Traditional Leadership: Influence flows primarily from the top down.

360 Leadership: Influence is multi-directional—leaders influence not just those below them, but also their peers (leading across) and even their superiors (leading up).


360 Leadership VS Traditional Leadership Styles - Collaboration VS Command-and-Control

Traditional Leadership: Often more directive, with leaders giving instructions to subordinates who are expected to follow them.

360 Leadership: Emphasizes collaboration, cooperation, and mutual respect across all levels.


360 Leadership VS Traditional Leadership Styles - Scope of Leadership

Traditional Leadership: Typically focuses on leading a specific team or department. 

360 Leadership: A 360 leader influences all parts of the organization, including peers, superiors, and those outside their direct team.


360 Leadership VS Traditional Leadership Styles - Influence VS Authority

Traditional Leadership: Leadership is often based on formal authority and rank within an organization. 

360 Leadership: Leadership is based on influence rather than authority.


Key Facts: Malaysian Employment Law - Probationary Periods

Employers can impose a probationary period of up to 6 months for new employees. During this time, the employment can be terminated with just 1 day's notice by either party, without having to provide a reason.


Key Facts: Malaysian Employment Law - Minimum Wage Regulations

The Minimum Wages Order sets the minimum wage for employees, which varies by region and sector. Employers must comply with these regulations to ensure fair compensation for workers.


Key Facts: Malaysian Employment Law - Working Hours and Overtime

Regular working hours are capped at eight hours a day and 45 hours a week. Overtime pay is mandated at 1.5 times the hourly wage for normal working days, with higher rates applicable for work on rest days and public holidays.
